⛏️Land Permissions

Learn how to permission your District & town on Etherlands!


All permissions can be altered by the town owner and subsequent town managers. Permissions can be changed per individual District or through groups. All towns are created with three default groups: member, manager, and outsider. (note district delagate)

  • Member: Default group for anyone who joins a town. Automatically granted.

  • Manager: Group specifically for town managers that have the ability to manage all permissions of the town. Can only be delegated by town owners.

  • Outsider: Group specifically for managing permissions for those who do not belong to the town.

To delegate a town manager, use /group add manager [PlayerName]. Only town owners can do this.

There are four permissions available to edit per District/group.

[SIBD] stands for Switch Interact Build Destroy

  • S = Switch - Using any object that swings or has an off/on status (i.e. door, lever, button, etc.)

  • I = Interact - Using any object that has a GUI to store items (i.e. chest, barrel, etc.)

  • B = Build - Being able to place any block.

  • D = Destroy - Being able to destroy any block.

Group Permissions

Groups can be created to change permissions for certain people.

Using /town info, a new GUI will appear in the chatbox.

Clicking the letter will change the color. Color is indicative of the permission status; such as, green means permission allowed, red means permission denied, and "-" means that permission is indicated by the specific district.

Want to make a group exclusively for merchants? Use /group create merchants and use /group to assign them the Interact permission.

District Permissions

Permissions can be changed per district - the district owner can change this permission unless the district is delegated to a town that they don't manage/own.

Using /district info [DistrictName], a new GUI will appear in the chatbox.

To delegate a district to the town you are in, use /district delegate [DistrictName]. This permission can be revoked and the district can be reclaimed using /district reclaim [DistrictName].

Want outsiders to open doors on your district? Make sure the first dash under Outsider is green.

Want to restrict members of your town from doing anything in a specific District? Make sure that all of the dashes are red under Member.

Last updated